We are specialists in the restoration and repair of all types of antique clocks.
When restoring a clock, the movement is removed, dismantled and ultrasonically cleaned, expertly restored, then re-assembled and fully tested.
All work on the movement is expertly carried out and every attempt is made to preserve the original movement of the clock. Most parts are still available new from clock supplies companies, otherwise they are made as necessary in the workshop.
All work is carried out to the highest standard and all lubricants are of the highest quality and correct specification. Repairs will be sympathetic and fit in with the character of the clock and all original parts would be preserved.
The clock is then rebuilt, adjusted and fully tested before being returned to the customer. Dials can be re-silvered, and painted dials can be fully restored. All repairs are guaranteed for three months.
Work on the case of a clock will range from a light polish and re-wax to a complete restoration.
Mercury barometers can be re-tubed and overhauled, and aneroid barometers repaired.
We have also been involved in the restoration of Turret clocks, click here to see some of our past projects.